Discover The Scientific Language Of Family And Child Development With The BCBA Map

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ABA And Scientific Narrative Technology 


The BCBA Map is a first-person scientific narrative that brings together the complex bio-behavior information of Child Development, Objective Values, ABA and Family as a whole into its structural functional organization.  

A combined approach of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Scientific Narrative Technology (SNT) address how interactive patterns shape character structure in the family. Character structure encompass a range of abilities essential for adaptive functioning including behavioral regulation, sensory development, communication, play and social skills. 

By integrating a combined approach of ABA and SNT we can properly address and promote child and family well-being across the lifespan. 

Explore "The 5-Character Structures" Of Child Development 

  In today's technological age, many children are presented with learning challenges in many interactive patterns of character structure. Recent studies have shown that children who exhibit deficits in one or more interactive patterns, present typical problems including excessive phobia, anxiety, ADHD symptoms, sensory dysregulation or boarderline conditions dealing with self-esteem, egocentrism, and familial psychopathologies. 

Child development, between 2-9 years of age, is a critical period of growth and acquisition of foundational skills in the cognitive, social, psychological and behavioral domain, laying the foundations for future success. Character structures enable children to navigate the environment, engage in relationship and fulfill their biological needs. Understanding the 5-character structure plays a vital role in promoting autonomy, integration, agency, independence and quality of life. 

Unfortunately, the 5-character structures remain unaddressed in the ABA industry. Behavior analysis is not fully capturing the potential of the child-family profile. With the BCBA Map, you will discover how ABA and relational science comes together to make behavior analysis more precise, meaningful and effective.

The BCBA Map is a new way to talk about behavior!

Introducing The BCBA Map

A Behavioral Assessment That Maximizes  Psychological Flexibility and Achieves Optimal Grip Of Interactive Patterns

Conceptually Systematic

The BCBA Map is a comprehensive assessment of ABA, child development and relational learning of family. It offers a systematic evaluation of the child-family profile.  


The ultimate toolbox for a comprehensive science of all human behavior, including private events. The BCBA Map is a scientific storyboard that helps you see the bigger picture- the complete behavioral equation of "selection" and "variation" embedded in the family. 


Enhance Analytic Outcomes

You will discover the opponent processing of enabling and selecting behavior patterns within the 5-character structures of child development. The BCBA Map resonates with day-to-day life and offers a Top-down and Bottom-up behavior analysis bringing a fresh new dimension to ABA Principles. 

The 5-Objective Values Of Character Structure 

Behavior Patterns as Selecting and Enabling Behaviors

Behavior patterns in the area of Exploration, Sensory Information Flow, Play, Social Care and Elimination of Stimuli is how children come to skillfully cope with the environment. 

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Opponent Processing: The Desire For Exploration And The Conflict Of Framing 

Exploration is at the heart of every child's development, guiding them toward abstract ideas, pretend play and creative experiences. But for many children, this process is often interrupted.

Enabling Behaviors: These behavior patterns are the expressions of a child's embodied sensory experience and interaction with the environment.

 Selecting Behaviors: These behavior patterns are the child's ability to detect and extract meaningful signals from the environment and form connection between ideation and their embodied respond. 

 Through opponent processing, these behavior patterns work together to help children develop cognitive flexibility, adapt to semi-structure, and engage meaningfully with the environment. When this process is disrupted, exploration becomes fragmented and children struggle with behaviors related to self-regulation, attention and engagement.

Discover The Story of Sahid The Explorer and how to restore this delicate balance! 

Opponent Processing: The Desire For Sensory Information Flow And The Conflict Of Motor Planning And Sequencing

At the core of every behavior, lies the process of sensory information flow. This reciprocal flow helps children navigate their environment, make decisions and stay motivated. But when attention or motivation wavers, it can prevent meaningful engagement with task. 

Enabling behaviors: These behavior patterns open up possibilities, allowing the child to move towards the realization of reward.

Selecting behaviors: These behavior patterns reduce potential distractors, helping the child focus on what is important by filtering out unnecessary information.  

Through opponent processing, these behavior patterns work together to stabilize attention and motivation. Whether by encouraging effort towards reward or by minimizing distractions, this balance helps children stay on task, make significant progress and achieve successful outcomes.  

Discover The Story of Jeffery The Guitar Hero and how to restore this delicate balance!

Opponent Processing: The Desire For Social Affiliation (Play) And The Conflict Of Reward

Play isn't just fun- it's critical for development. Children learn to navigate reward and build essential skills. Through play, children learn to explore the social environment and balance the thrill of pursuing a goal with the satisfaction of achieving it. 

Enabling behaviors: These behavior patterns involve seeking out reward, creating anticipation about the potential for reward. 

Selecting behavior: These behavior patterns reinforce activities that have been reinforcing in the past, cultivating satisfaction.

Through opponent processing, these behavior patterns help children find and manage the delicate balance between anticipation and satisfaction of reward, creating more stable, engaging, play patterns. 

Discover The Story of Greg The Track Star and how to restore this delicate balance!

Opponent Processing: The Desire For Social Care And The Conflict Of Social Harmony

Social care is the process for nurturing behaviors and attachment. Many parents and children face challenges in balancing their own desires with the expectations and needs of others. 

Enabling behaviors: These behavior patterns make pro-social possibilities of connection possible by reflexive feeling of empathy.

Selecting behaviors: These behavior patterns reduce the likelihood of anti-social behavior (voluntary) ensuring that positive social possibilities become more probable.

Through opponent processing, these behavior patterns work together to help children coordinate their own needs with the needs of others, nurturing a healthy balance between self-care and social-care. This balance is essential for forming healthy secure attachments and maintaining positive relationships. 

Discover The Story of Robert The Lamb and how to restore this delicate balance!

Opponent Processing: The Desire For Elimination Of Stimuli And The Conflict Of Exposure

Navigating uncertain events is a challenge all children will face, and their response can range from passive inhibition or active defensive behaviors.

Enabling behaviors: These behavior patterns are associated with passive inhibition, where a child reflexively avoids engagement in response to the uncertain event. 

Selecting behaviors:  These behavior patterns drive active defense, motivating the child to take control of the situation by engaging in active defense with the uncertain event. 

Through opponent processing, these behavior patterns balance between passive and active responses to uncertainty optimizing the child's ability to feel secure and manage exposure to new challenging situations.   

Discover The Story of Jonas's The Opponent and how to restore this delicate balance!  

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the BCBA Map Supported By Evidence-Based Practices?  

Yes! The big-5 aspect model is arguably one of the most well-established and widely used models for predicting human behavior. It is cross-culturally valid, reliable measure across time, and its foundation is empirical. In addition, The BCBA Map has strong evidence supported by ABA, Behavioral Neuroscience, and Personality Psychology. The general process of The BCBA Map is the universal human structure among all children and families. 


What Are The 5 Objective Values?

The BCBA Map is a comprehensive behavior analysis of the subsidiary aspects of child development along the 5 functional dimensions of human structure. It is designed specifically to help you understand the structural integrity of behavior patterns as enabling and selecting behaviors (regulatory and integrative capacities) in the family.  

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